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How to get a PDF summary

A Step-by-Step Guide to Summarizing Your PDF With Tifi

Igho Faith Auguston

4 mins read

A Step-by-Step Guide to Summarizing Your PDF With Tifi

In today’s fast-paced world, where information is abundant and time is scarce, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of content we need to process. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or just someone who deals with PDFs regularly, getting to the heart of the content quickly is crucial. Enter Tifi, your new best friend in cutting down the clutter and delivering concise summaries in a matter of seconds.

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How Does Tifi's PDF Summarizer Work?

The beauty of Tifi lies in its simplicity. It takes just three straightforward steps to transform a lengthy PDF into a manageable summary.


Learn how to use PODCAST summarizer.

Imagine having an hour-long speech or a 50-page report compressed into a couple of paragraphs. That’s what Tifi does—turns overwhelming content into something you can quickly grasp and act on.

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  • Upload Your PDF

    First things first, you need to get your PDF into Tifi’s hands. The platform offers a smooth, no-fuss experience with multiple ways to upload your file:


    Drag and Drop

    • Simply drag your PDF file(s) from your device and drop them into the designated area on the Tifi interface.

    Select from Your Device

    • If you prefer, browse your device and select the file manually.

    Whichever method you choose, Tifi’s got you covered, making sure your upload is as hassle-free as possible.

  • Automatic Processing

    Once your PDF is uploaded, the magic begins. Tifi’s powerful AI engines kick into gear, working behind the scenes to analyze your document. Here’s what happens:


    AI Summarizing

    • Now comes the part you’ve been waiting for—the summarization.Tifi’s advanced AI distills the essence of your document, boiling down the key points into a concise, easy-to-digest summary. Simply click on the “Summarize” button.
  • Download/Save & Share

    With your summary ready, Tifi gives you the final piece of the puzzle—ease of access:



    • Download the summarized content directly to your device, so you can review it whenever you need it.


    • Need to pass on the insights to a colleague or friend? Tifi allows you to share your summary with a click, making collaboration a breeze.

    No more wading through pages of text. Tifi makes it easy to get the information you need, fast.


Tifi is more than just a tool; it’s a game-changer for anyone dealing with extensive content. Whether you’re prepping for a meeting, working on research, or simply trying to manage your reading list, Tifi ensures you’re always in the know without burning hours in the process. So why waste time? Upload your PDF to Tifi and experience the power of smart summarization today.

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