Our Privacy Policy

1. Definitions

Tifi: Is a HNG Internship product, the MVP was created during the duration of the HNG11 internship by Team Anchor. We will refer to this company as "Tifi," "we," "us," or "our" throughout this policy.

Personal Information: This includes any information that can identify an individual, either on its own or when combined with other details. It could also reflect a person' s activities.

Non-Personal Information This is anonymous information about users that cannot be used to identify them, even if combined with other data.

Cookies These are small data files stored on your device. Most browsers accept cookies automatically. We use cookies to improve user experience and the quality of our services.

Data This includes the photos, selfies, and gender you submit to create an AI Avatars Video, documents that were uploaded on the site. Data is considered a specific type of Personal Information.

2. Our Policy on Non-Personal Information

We may collect non-personal information to better understand our users needs. This data is collected, used, transferred, disclosed, and stored for various purposes, including using cookies and other technologies.


  • We use cookies for several reasons:
    1. To keep registered users logged in, even after they close their browser.
    2. To remember user preferences for our services.
    3. To track service usage to improve our offerings.
    4. To better understand what our customers are interested in.
  • Some cookies are essential for using our service, such as those that let you stay logged in or remember your actions during a browsing session.
  • We also use cookies for functionality, analysis, and marketing. These cookies help certain parts of our service work properly, keep track of user preferences, analyze how people use our service, and show relevant ads. Cookies can be "session" cookies, which are deleted when you close your browser, or "persistent" cookies, which remain until you delete them.
  • You can enable or disable cookies using your web browser settings. Some third-party networks, like Google, let users opt out of certain cookies or customize their preferences.
  • We may combine the information collected by cookies with other information we collect from you.
  • You can set your browser or device to block cookies, but our services may not work correctly if you do.

Device Information

  • When you use our service on a website or mobile app, we may collect information about your device, like its type, operating system, settings, and unique identifiers.
  • We use this information to understand user habits, adjust services for older devices, fix software errors, and improve website access speeds.
  • You can enable or disable cookies using your web browser settings. Some third-party networks, like Google, let users opt out of certain cookies or customize their preferences.
  • We may combine the information collected by cookies with other information we collect from you.
  • You can set your browser or device to block cookies, but our services may not work correctly if you do.

Log Data

  • We may collect information about your activity on Tifi, such as your IP address and login times. We use this information to manage and provide access to our services. This data is protected to prevent misuse or unauthorized access.

3. Our Policy on Personal Information

Collection: We may ask for your personal information when you use certain Tifi services to provide the service properly.

Storage: Your personal information is encrypted and securely stored according to applicable laws.

Use: We may use your personal information for various reasons, like contacting you through specific methods, or conducting market research.

Transfer: We generally do not transfer your personal information to third parties, except in cases like mergers, acquisitions, or legal proceedings.

Deletion: You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information unless there are specific legal or service-related reasons we need to keep it.

Disclosure: We may disclose your personal information to law enforcement or in cases of copyright infringement or competitions, as required by law.

4. Our Policy on Data Collection

Collection: We collected imported data for the tool you are using to be able to provide the required service.

Storage, Retention, and Deletion: The imported data is temporarily stored on our servers and deleted once the service has been rendered.

Use, Transfer, and Sharing: We collected imported data for the tool you are using to be able to provide the required service.

5. Compliance with Laws in Other Jurisdictions

We strive to comply with data privacy laws in different countries, as long as they do not conflict with the laws of the United States of America.

6. Enforcement

We regularly review our compliance with this Privacy Policy. If you have concerns, please contact us, and we will try to resolve them.

7. Changes

We may update this Privacy Policy occasionally. We will notify you of any changes and provide access to prior versions.

8. Governing Law & Dispute Resolution

Governing Law: This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the United States of America.

Dispute Resolution: Any disputes will be resolved by binding individual lawsuits in a court located in the United States of America.

6. Contact

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please email us at support@Tifi.tv.